As loving cat parents, we all try to give our favourite feline the best of everything. From food to sleep to toys, all efforts are towards ensuring a happy and healthy cat. But have you ever thought of natural chews like Silvervine sticks? Are they perfect for your cat’s health? In this blog, we will find the answer to this and how its use can enhance your furry friend’s overall health.
What is Silvervine?
Silvervine, also known as actinidia polygama, is a plant indigenous to the mountainous regions of Japan and China. It is recognised for the phenomenal effect it has on felines, much similar to that of catnip. Silvervine has two active ingredients, actinidine and dihydroactinidiolide. These compounds tend to get cats hyperactive almost instantly. However, Silvervine is also a form of natural chewing stick, providing various health benefits to the cats.
Why Cats Love Silvervine Sticks?
Catnip affects approximately 50-60% of the cats, whereas Silvervine tends to work on 80% or more of the cats. The exposure to Silvervine causes the cats to become more active, roll, rub and even drool. These sticks encourage behaviour that can help exercise or entertain your cat.
Why Silvervine Works on Cats?
Silvervine contains the ingredient actinidine and dihydroactinidiolide, activating a cat’s sense of smell and sensory neurons. Such stimulation from the surroundings may alleviate stress and tension and entertain your feline friend for a long time.
How are silvervine chews more effective than catnip chewable?
Catnip may be one of the best options for many cat owners, but more benefits are sustained with cat sticks. These sticks are edible, allowing the cat to engage in an activity that is more spontaneous than fabric chewing. They also benefit the cat’s dental health in the process. Using the sticks for chewing further helps prevent diseases through plaque and tartar control, enhancing dental health even more.
Health Benefits of Chewable Sticks for Cat’s Health
Here are the top health benefits of Silvervine chewing sticks for your feline.
Boosts Dental Health
One of the most vital advantages of chewing sticks made of Silvervine is that they effectively improve furball dental health. Like people, cats may experience some dental issues, which can bring discomfort and pain. The Silvervine sticks are therapeutic and help remove plaque from your cat’s teeth, lowering the chances of suffering from gum diseases or cavities.
Reduces Plaque and Tartar
It is instinctive for all cats to hunt and play in the wild, and they typically gnaw on bones. However, domestic cats often never experience chewing and brushing their teeth like this. Therefore, when your cat chews on these sticks, it helps scrub off the sticky, harmful plaque and tartar, which is why such sticks are suitable substitutes for toothbrushes.
Promotes Healthy Gums
To avoid the event of periodontal disease in cats, it is always essential to maintain healthy gums. When chewing Silvervine chewable sticks, your cat’s gums get a massage, improving blood circulation for healthier tissues. This helps to control gum disease as there is no swelling and reduction of tissues in their gum mouth, enhancing your cat’s health.
Mental and Physical Stimulation
There are some mental and physical benefits of using Silvervine sticks as well.
Promoting Playful Behaviour
In addition to helping your cat’s oral health, Silvervine also keeps them active. The psychoactive properties of Silvervine tend to cause outbreaks of active play, which is especially useful to indoor cats that may not get sufficient exercise.
Reducing Stress and Anxiety
Like humans, Cats can also feel stressed and anxious as a result of certain changes such as a change of environment, a new pet being introduced or even boredom. The calming effect of Silvervine can be helpful in such situations as it assists in stress management and relaxation. Many owners confess that after an interaction with Silvervine, their cat is less psychologically tense, more serene and composed.
Considerations When Offering Silvervine Sticks to Cat
Here are a few questions that every cat parent asks before using these sticks.
Is Silvervine Safe for Cats?
It is not harmful to cats in any way. Silvervine is a plant with no chemical compounds or additives, naturally making it preferable. Even though Silvervine is safe, it would be good to control the cat’s contact levels with the herb so that it does not get hyperactive continuously and tire out.
How Often Should I Give My Cat These Sticks?
The number of times you can give the Silvervine sticks to the cat depends on the cat’s reaction to the product. Generally, one or two sessions of playing with sticks will be enough for most cats. Monitor your cat and check how they react. If they get hyperactive quickly, limit the duration.
How to Introduce Silvervine to Your Cat
If you use Silvervine sticks for your cat for the first time, it will be better to introduce them gradually. Offer the stick to the cat and allow it to smell it first. If the cat is interested in sticking its tongue out, it may begin to roll and chew on the stick. If this is not the case, do not panic! Some cats warm up to certain smells and taste more slowly than others.
Using naturally chewable, like Silvervine sticks, enriches our cats’ lives without compromising their health. It improves the oral hygiene of your feline friend, lessens anxiety, and provides engaging activity from active play. It’s a phenomenal alternative to the standard catnip, where Silvervine has shown wonders, improving their physical and psychological well-being. If your furball is bored with its interactive toys, get these sticks that also improve your cat’s health and provide them with a way to play around with happiness.